Currents: Robert Fernandez

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Today I talked to Robert Fernandez about his journey as an undocumented student in STEM. Robert is a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow and a fourth year graduate student in the MB&B department studying neuropeptide GPCRs in C. elegans. Moreover, Robert is active in the Yale community: from co-organizer for the Business of Biotech Lecture series, founding the BBSB First-Year Mentorship program, and mentoring others who have gone through circumstances similar to his, Rob has been vocal about his experience as an undocumented student.
During our conversation we discussed difficulties he faced during his academic career due to his undocumented status, and the important role that good mentorship and support groups played in his career. Additionally, we addressed some misconceptions about undocumented students, as well as ways to be an ally as a citizen or a former undocumented person:
“Be their support system right now. Be their voice when their voice is being stifled”.
- Rob Fernandez
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship -
My Undocumented Life -
United We Dream toolkit
Business of Biotech -
Yale OISS - DACAmented & UnDACAmented
Koelle lab website